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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,環保,食品,化工,生物產業 |
匈牙利Cellsorter Compact Desktop Device全自動單細胞分選捕獲系統是cellsorter獨立開發的緊奏型單細胞分選捕獲系統,該系統采用和Piezo Head相同的技術原理,但是占用空間更小,節省操作空間。
顯微鏡臺上的特殊鋁嵌件配件,帶有一個孔和磁性固定環,用于35 mm皮氏培養皿,80個孔用于10條PCR條紋,一個孔用于32x24 mm2玻璃蓋載玻片,用于測試和高分辨率成像,以及一個帶有校準十字線的孔。
適用于MS Windows操作系統的用戶友好直觀控制軟件。
Modular options:
Microscope - Can be almost any inverted microscope. We recommend Zeiss,Nikon Olympus
Camera - Including Andor, PCO, Flir and Hamamatsu
Motorized stage - There are several choices depending on size and speed including Prior and Märzhäuser
Light source - We recommend Prior Lumen 200s for standard use and Lumencor Spectra
Objective lens - Our standard equipment comes with a 10x lens, higher magnifications are also possible
Levels of motorization - There is an option for additional Filter turret and Objective Changer (nosepiece)
Sample Holder - 35 mm Petri dish, Microscope slide, Chamber slides, Standard multi-well plate (ie.: 96 well-plate)
Container for Single Cell Deposition - PCR tubes/strips, PCR plates, Mutli-well plates
Brightfield or phase contrast illumination: Standard transmitted light source of the microscope